full programm case: foreign students can apply to the first or second year of our engineering program. You should have a bachelor or License or equivalent master diploma. To apply, students have to follow instructions from INSA web site for registration. A TCF or DALF level is mandatory.
academic exchange case : foreign students registered in a electrical engineering program within a university sharing a partnership with INSA de Lyon, can apply to a one year exchange program and follow lectures, practices, projects, internships proposed in our department. You have to validate courses according to your 'learning agreement' in order to validate your one year exchange for your home university program. The learning agreement is defined and at least accepted by our home university.
double diploma case: you are registered within two universities (home and INSA de LYON, Electrical Engineering Department) and our program will be at least one year longer than the normal program. Nevertheless, you will obtain both diploma if you fullfill all academic requirements (internship, marks, projects...).
Contact: Vincent LECHAPPE vincent.lechappe@insa-lyon.fr